Pryaniki, or Prianik, are a "sweet bread or cookie flavored with spices; it's often described as "Russian gingerbread". Pryaniki are usually filled with jam, caramel or honey." * These flavorful cookies are usually covered in a sweet glaze to add an extra layer of flavor that is sure to bring back childhood memories for many of their consumers.
These cookies were originally made with rye flower, honey, and any spices that were readily available. To this day, the recipe for Pryaniki may vary from household to household depending on what the maker has decided to use when it comes to flavoring the cookie. The flavorings can range from nutmeg and anise to allspice and mint extract. The honey adds a natural sweetness to the dough while also acting as a preservative and allows the cookies to last longer than the average sugar cookie before becoming stale.